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Grr... http error with file uploads... (24 posts)

  1. ben_allison
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I've looked everywhere, and none of the permissions/htaccess solutions are working for me.

    When I attempt to upload a file, I get errors (whether using Flash or browser upload):

    "HTTP error" for every file and an additional, "An error occurred in the upload" when attempting images.

    Thing is, I have a WP install on the same server, and it allows uploads, no problem.

    Any ideas as to what's preventing WPMU (2.6.5) from allowing uploads?

  2. ben_allison
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Two more things:

    1) I also tried updating the SWFuploader (outlined here at:, and I'm using Flash 9 (as I've heard 10 can cause problems).

    But since Browser Upload gives errors too, I figure it's not a Flash issue.

    2) Even though nothing's uploading, image files are still being entered in the Media Library, but the files themselves are no where to be found. I'm just getting broken image links.

  3. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Go into the blogs.dir and try creating one directory to start, and see if that helps?

  4. ben_allison
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Andrea, thanks for posting! I appreciate it greatly.

    Based on your suggestion, I decided first to explore blogs.dir. I drill down, and what do I find?

    blogs.dir/1/files/2009/01 and... all the files are there!

    So now I'm really confused. It appears the files are in fact uploading, but when the uploader (Flash or Browser) gets done it then returns errors and will not allow me to carry on with the file (changing info, inserting into post, etc).

  5. ben_allison
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Tried uploading again... after upload, same errors.

    For kicks I clicked on "Media Library" in the upload popup, and this time, the files were listed, WITH thumbnails. I can insert files into a post no problem.

    So something to do with the upload module is funky, since the files are getting up loaded, and are "insertable" from the Media Library... hmm.

  6. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    How do you feel about upgrading? :D Not sure if it'll fix your issue, because it it was a buggy bug on 2.6.5, then we'd have heard about it by now.

    I have a system running that with a ton of users who scream loud when things are just perfect. :D

    Did you happen to check any error logs?

  7. ben_allison
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I'd love to upgrade, but I thought 2.6.5 was the latest WPMU release. Is there a secret society I can join to get wpmu 2.7? ;)

    Error logs are turning up nothing :(

  8. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    2.7 was just released into beta.

  9. ben_allison
    Posted 15 years ago #

    i love you.

  10. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    It's okay, lots of people do.

    (IRL, it's my cooking that does it...)

  11. ben_allison
    Posted 15 years ago #

    What's your specialty/favourite dish?

    BTW, 2.7 beta had absolutely no problems with uploads, or getting uploads in to posts!

    Thanks for the tip! I'd rather be developing for the new platform anyway.

    And FWIW, Janis Elsts' amazing Admin Menu Editor for 2.7 is totally functional, and is perfect for the CMS-y stuff I'm using WPMU for.

  12. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Awesome news, Ben. :)

    (I make some mean Chinese food. Wonton soup to make you weep. Also, a traditional Sunday dinner - roast meat of your choice, potatoes veggies, stuffing, gravy, down home stick to your ribs kind of food. I'm a mom, I like to feed people.)

  13. ben_allison
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I could go for some Chinese food!

    Weirdness... installed 2.7 last night, everything was kosher.

    Tried uploading again today, and http error is back. Files are uploading (they're showing up in the Media Library) but something's crashing after the "Crunching."

    Browser upload works with no problem.

    I'm wondering if this is a server resources issue. Maybe the reason why uploads worked last night after upgrading was coincidence, and it actually had more to do with server processing availability... hmm.

    Shouldn't be a problem though since my WP 2.7 install uploads with no errors.

  14. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Ahhhh... but MU is a different beast. :) Go watch the server (do a top) while you get someone else to try uploading.

  15. ben_allison
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I'm still a bit of a noob with some of these things...

    "Do a top"?

  16. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Log in to your server via ssh, then type in "top". :D

  17. ben_allison
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Got it!

  18. LafayetteNuke
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I'm seeing the same problem in WordPress Mu 2.7.0; the flash uploader worked like a charm in 2.7 Beta, but the official release generates the http connection error.

    The "browser upload" works fine; top shows the server's working normally.

  19. LafayetteNuke
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I've since discovered that my problem has nothing to do with Wordpress MU 2.7 beta vs. Wordpress MU 2.7.0. Rather, the issue is I've protected my login/admin pages with SSL. Flash and HTTPS apparently don't get along, which causes the Flash uploader to fail.

    There's a forum discussion about this here:

    * flash upload + https = IO Error

    And a tracker for it on Adobe's site here:

    * Firefox HTTPS FileReference upload issue

    The root of it seems to be that Flash gets its ports confused when you use HTTPS. For now, I'm going to disable Flash uploads and just use the regular file browser option, which should be sufficient for our needs.

  20. toddheitner
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Hi, I know this is an old post, but I'm having about the same issue in WordPress-MU Version, with BuddyPress.

    When I use the Flash uploader, it does the crunching thing, which goes to 100%, then I get "HTTP error" in red.

    I've tried the Browser uploader and it works fine. So it's only the Flash uploader that's doing this.

    I've tested in a few different browsers Firefox 2 & 3 and IE 8 and it's the same for all of them.

    I'm glad the browser uploader works since at least there is some way to upload images, but I don't know why the Flash uploader wouldn't be working. It's inevitably going to create support issues if I can't get this fixed.

    Any ideas what's up with that and how I can fix it?

    Thanks in advance!

  21. tmoorewp
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Try upgrading the version of Flash installed on your computer. That was the root cause of this problem awhile back. Something Adobe did broke things like the Flash uploader in WordPress.

  22. toddheitner
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I just tried that and it didn't help. I already had Flash 10, but there was a slightly newer version so I upgraded. It's still giving me the http error with the Flash uploader.

  23. toddheitner
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Ok, I finally got this issue fixed. Since I spent a whole day trying to get this resolved, I'm going to post the solution that finally worked for me.

    Since some of the forum posts mentioned something about their host being involved, I decided to contact my host and see if they could figure it out and they did. I asked for details about what they changed so I could post it for other users.

    Here is what they said:

    "Modsecurity was blocking the useragent of the flash uploader. This is common. I disabled the block."

    When I asked for more details about where exactly they made this change, they said:

    "I simply removed the useragent block in /usr/local/apache/conf/modsec2.user.conf"

    Hopefully someone else will find this useful.

  24. jasongeiger
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Also be sure to check the upload quota set for the blog and or the default quota for the site.

    I went through following all the methods mentioned and nothing seemed to help come to find out it turned out to be the quota.

About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by ben_allison
  • Latest reply from jasongeiger