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Manually Creating Subdomains - No Wildcard DNS (2 posts)

  1. deuts
    Posted 14 years ago #

    This is related to here.

    I also don't have the privilege of a wildcard dns. Okay I get the whole idea. I just want some assurance from the experts in this field. Let's get some examples to be clear.

    I have a domain, say and is pointed at /public_html/wpmudir/. I've installed everything fine with the subdomain option.

    Now from the control panel, I'll create a subdomain pointing "again" to /public_html/wpmudir/. Then back to, I'll create a new blog with a name blog101 - so the exact url will be

    Now comes the big question. Will this work fine, and if it will please tell me that it won't break anything in the future.

    You see, I read in the dreamhost wiki that creating a subdomain "*" and pointing to the wpmu installation will work at first but will likely pose problems in the future because of some problems with looping and resolving the dns (and whatever those technical stuff they are talking about :D).

    Just that, please tell me it won't break.


  2. andrea_r
    Posted 14 years ago #

    "I read in the dreamhost wiki that creating a subdomain "*" and pointing to the wpmu installation will work at first but will likely pose problems in the future because of some problems with looping and resolving the dns"

    That's to cover their ass in case they reset settings on the server. It's only DH-specific.

    *IF* you can create subdomains manually and they work, then fine. It won't work on all setups (I've tried in a couple places, not all).

    The wildcard method is the preferred way, the manual subdomains is a workaround.

    Please remember that the wildcard subdomain is not only present in DNS records, it's also written in an Apache file. You need both to work.

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