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What kind of host should I choose? (6 posts)

  1. waterlin
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I have build a local Wordpress-MU website which is run on my local PC. All my test is OK now.

    Now I want to move it to public host so someone else can access it.

    If I want to use domain name for different blog, which means I will bind domain name for specific blog.

    So, what kind of virtual host can offer this function? I think my money can just offer virtual host.........

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Do you want to change the domain for the whole install, or do you want to change the domain for one blog?

  3. waterlin
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I want to change most blogs' domain name after my installation. so they can look like seperate sites.

    I know there is a plugin for it. But I don't which host can support it..

  4. andrea_r
    Posted 14 years ago #

    To clarify: the domain mapping plugin. :)

    You need a host that will let you park domains, that all. The rest of the work is done on the DNS side where you registered your domains.

  5. scormeny
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I use site5 for shared hosting and wordpress installations, and am pretty happy with them. I believe this should not be a problem with their hosting, but I would check first. I normally install Wordpress using the Fantastico control panel, so you'd have to ensure you can install WPMU which is not available via Fantastico.

    For the one WPMU site that I've got, I'm actually using I am not a huge fan of their shared hosting, they are a small company and they keep their servers pretty tightly controlled so it can be a hassle to change things myself. However, they have decent technical support for their servers and are nice people. They tend to be expensive, though, when you compare them to other services out there.

  6. mrjain
    Posted 14 years ago #


    I just went through the process of going from local development server to a production server on the web. I ended up going with Media Temple dv-base service. It's only been 48 hours but happy so far!

    I'm planning to have multiple sites running off one install of WMPU. I used the domain-mapping plugin and it works like a charm.

    A simple DNS "A" record pointing to the IP address of the server. then a single tweak to my httpd.include file:

    ServerAlias *

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