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Trying to install on Fedora (3 posts)

  1. dawidge
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I have been attempting and failing to get wordpress-mu installed on a new Fedora installation. wordpress-mu was installed with 'yum install wordpress-mu' on top of the basic Web server install group for Fedora 11. This places wordpress-mu in /usr/share/wordpress, prepares /etc/wordpress-mu to accept the wp-config.php file and instead of using .htaccess, it prepares /etc/httpd/conf.d/wordpress-mu.conf which is included atapache startup time.

    I intend on hosting at least 3 blogs on this host fed by reverse proxy off my frontend webserver. The reverse proxy setup works, but is currently disabled until I get each blog configuration functioning.

    http://www.domain1.tld points to the frontend webserver which proxies to blogs.domain1.tld, an address which exists only in the /etc/hosts files and vhost configuration of the two servers in question.

    on the blogserver, my vhosts are setup like this
    <VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin info@maindomain.tld
    DocumentRoot /blogs/html/
    ServerName blogs.maindomain.tld
    ServerAlias alternateshortnameforblogserver
    ErrorLog logs/error_log
    CustomLog logs/access_log common
    <Directory />
    AllowOverride FileInfo Options

    ServerAdmin info@domain1.tld
    DocumentRoot /blogs/html/blog1
    ServerName blogs.domain1.tld
    ServerAlias testblog blogs.domain1.tld
    ErrorLog logs/domain1-error_log
    CustomLog logs/domain1-access_log common
    <Directory />
    AllowOverride FileInfo Options

    DB access has been setup with phpMySql and functions. No matter what I try to do with the permissions, it keeps coming back with 'chmod 777 /usr/share/wordpress-mu' (it detected the change /usr/share/wordpress-mu/wp-content). I have tried 777 and 775 apache:apache to /usr/share/wordpress-mu, /etc/wordpress-mu, /etc/httpd/conf.d, /etc/httpd/conf.d/wordpress-mu.conf, and /blogs/html/blog1.

    Any help on how to make this function would be appreciated.

    Eventually I want to host at least 3 blogs with completely separate <DOMAIN>.tld names revproxied the same way as the first one. Ideally, I'd like to use the yum-installed wpmu so that maintaining the installation up to date is a simple push-button operation whenever the system informs me updates are available.

    I do not have wildcarding set up on my DNS, and I do not really want it. Is it absolutely necessary for this to function?

    Once I get this working, I'll post a guide including all the wonderful selinux chcon statements to get it functioning seamlessly to email, etc.

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 14 years ago #

    "Eventually I want to host at least 3 blogs with completely separate <DOMAIN>.tld names revproxied the same way as the first one."

    You;ve alreayd got a named virutal host there, so no need for that. Just toss in the Domain Mapping plugin and you should be good to go. Set up an A record for each domain to that IP address and boom. :)

    You don't need the wildcard subdomains enabled unless you are installing the blogs as

    I'm a little under the weather today, so not sure about the rest. I have some WPMU install running on Fedora, but haven't done it with a yum install yet.

  3. dawidge
    Posted 14 years ago #

    For the moment, I have given up and installed 3 separate plain wordpress instances under each of the DocumentRoots for my Vhosts, but I would like to get this working properly such that I only have one install to upgrade, shared plugins, themes, etc. I may end up resorting to "link hell" with a 'yum install wordpress'. I don't intend on allowing random people to go creating blogs on this host, we just want to pull our stuff off of blogspot to make absolutely certain that we don't get entangled with any information ownership issues for the new venture. I would like to figure out how to get this working properly so I have the least maintenance going forward. I tried installing -mu on its own and ran into 403 errors for wp-admin.

    Fortunately, I'd already gotten past all the firewall settings, mysql user permissions and whatnot so that it really WAS a 5 minute install.

    I have no intention for blogging, right now the intention is for one user to have three separate blogs; although, I may stand up a vhost for myself once I get the boss's blogs working to my satisfaction.

    "Sure, hon. I'll just stand up a LAMP for you on the old fileserver."

    Sorry to hear you're feeling poorly.

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