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MU, BuddyPress - Custom Theme vs. Framework (1 post)

  1. realistdreamer
    Posted 14 years ago #

    There's lots of discussion about Theme Frameworks these days. Apparently, Buddypress will have one soon.

    I'm planning to use Buddypress, bbPress and WPMU as the base for a CMS in my niche. It won't be a blog site (think and will only have one blog with several categories for contributors.

    I'm wondering if theme frameworks are as helpful in the CMS environment? Why?

    Take a site like Tasty Kitchen ( Would a themeframework be useful in that situation or would it be better to just build a theme using the default as a starting point?

    Another example would be VW Tankwars (

    I would like the benefit of automatic compatibility and functionality with upgrades, but question whether it is possible or productive with the amount of customization needed for some CMS implementations.

About this Topic

  • Started 14 years ago by realistdreamer