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Blogging Categories (3 posts)

  1. MrCrimson
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I had a feature question. I'm very impressed with the present system. One thing that came to mind while I've been working on implementing it into my site is, what if I could arrange the list of blogs, determined by a preset variable that is configured inside of WPMU?

    So, give each blog a category, this way it could be structured a lot more logically. My site is a music site, so, there could be a fan area, an artist area, site staff area.

    This could be accomplished manually by manually linking things in, but I'd rather it be automated, let the system feel useful. :)

    If anyone has an idea on how this is presently possible or could be easily done, I'd love to hear it.


  2. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    That kind of defeats the purpose of WP I would think as it's categories are one of it's strong points. A lot of blog systems don't have categories or have very limited category systems. (*cough* typepad *cough*)

    Also it seems like WPMU is more structured to having each blog individually owned instead of have seperate blogs all owned by a few people. I know it took many months for this feature (owning more that one blog) to be put into place over at and there was a fair amount of whining about it before it happened. (No offense intended of course to staff.)

    Why not just give each blog the title of the category you want? That way you can use the List-All plugin to list all of them.

    Either that or use the subtitle field of the blog and rewrite the List-All plugin to list using that field instead of the title.

    Hope this helps,

  3. MrCrimson
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Well, I think I mispoke... I meant to say that in my idea, there would be seperate categories for individual blogs that could be set by the WPMU admin, so they could be grouped together by likeness, but not owned by everyone in that group... if that's what you meant.

    But good points in any case. :)


About this Topic

  • Started 17 years ago by MrCrimson
  • Latest reply from MrCrimson