The MU forums have moved to - Edit Blog > Update Options > Error 400: Bad Request (3 posts)

  1. DanVet
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I have WPmu installed and working nicely except one thing: when I try and edit the blog settings (wp-admin/wpmu-blogs.php?action=editblog&id=1) I get a 400 Error whenever I press the "Update Options" Button.

    I notice that the page that gives the 400 Error is "wp-admin/wpmu-edit.php?action=updateblog" there is no "&id=1" on the end. If I add "&id=1" to the address and resubmit, I get a page with a box containing the text "Are you sure you want to do this?" - but there are no buttons to go on from there.

    Any suggestions as to why I'm getting this error?

  2. DanVet
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Still can't get this to work. Anybody have any suggestions at all? I'm guessing it is a server problem or maybe something in the .htaccess file...

  3. DanVet
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Resolved - needed to get my web host (JodoHost) to add mod_security exclusion rules.

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