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Media: From WP tp WPmu (2 posts)

  1. Aero7
    Posted 14 years ago #

    If I recall correctly there were some issues with my site before when I moved from WP to WPmu.

    Now my site is still on WP and I wanted to check for answers here before I move it over to WPmu again.

    The media last time disappeared when moving. With that I mean all the urls to images etc got different because of the mu's directory structure etc so what can I do to fix this ?

    I really want to move my main site to wpmu again, but not before I know how to settle this..

    Thanks for reading

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Do you want to wait for the merge? :)

    Otherwise, the kludgy way I've fixed it in the past was to place my old media on both locations - the "old" folder in wp so archive links worked, and the "new" location in mu.

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