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Please help to show "number of total views" each post has (6 posts)

  1. kaberi
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I am using Wordpress mu [wordpress-mu-2.9.2 and buddypress.1.2.3]

    I have been running from pillar to post, installing available extensions, reading readme and forum posts and tried with several extensions like postviews etc BUT of no help. Is it so difficult to do the following :

    Beneath each teaser and/or each post in an individual bloggers blog I want to show number of views and if possible, number of persons who favorited the post. For example:

    Posted in Uncategorized | Edit | 10 Comments | Views 110 | Fav by 10

    I have already the Favorites available from buddypress. Is there any alternative needed?

    What I need most is the "number of total views" each post has irrespective of logged/non-logged/bot users.

    And if possible, as a sidebar widget the total number of times the blog has been seen/clicked. I have Profiler stats module that shows total number of blogs and comments but not the total hits received as a whole by an individual blog.

  2. kaberi
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Can someone help please ?

  3. tdjcbe
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Have you looked at Gamerz wp-postviews?

    Looks like you;re have to modify the themes a bit as noted under the Usage tab.

    We use it to compile Most Read posts on our installs.

  4. kaberi
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Thanks so much. Yes I was trying that and read the readme, forum too. But cannot make out how to use it. (I am using Wordpress mu [wordpress-mu-2.9.2 and buddypress.1.2.3] )

    Can you kindly say in which file do I paste
    <li><a href="%POST_URL%" title="%POST_TITLE%">%POST_TITLE%</a> - %VIEW_COUNT% views</li> and whay else do I do ?

  5. tdjcbe
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Take a look under the Usage tab of the page that I linked to. It tells you what files to modify.

  6. kaberi
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Thanks tdjcbe.

    Following instructions on usage tab I get this error
    Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in C:\wamp\www\wordpress-mu\wp-content\plugins\wp-postviews\wp-postviews.php on line 126
    error and no result.
    It also seems to be a side bar widget when I actually wanted something like Posted in Uncategorized | Edit | 10 Comments | Views 110 |

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