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I Need runPHP and don't care if it's a risk! (3 posts)

  1. stack
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Hi all, as a longtime wp user and new wpmu user I am amazed by the number of differences between the scripts. The most striking for my purposes is the inability for even the site owner to use php in posts and pages. It's just silly to go on about the "security risk" involved when there is a whole permission system in place to keep users from accessing things they shouldn't.

    I need this, I don't care if there is a risk involved as I only intend to allow it for the owner of the site, and I'm soliciting help here in making runPHP work.

    I've searched, and the best topic I could find was a year old thread with no resolution. If you can help, please reply. If you want the ability to use runPHP, also reply.


  2. suleiman
    Posted 17 years ago #

    i think you need to edit the kses.php file to allow the php code, though I don't know exactly what changes would be needed, I'm fairly certain that's where you'd need to start.

  3. Bruz
    Posted 17 years ago #

    stack, have a look here:

    Grab the first revision of kses.php, replace the current one and uncomment line 57 in wp-admin/options.php.

    There might be some security-issues now - but I also don't care about them because I can trust in my users ;-)

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