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formatiing of posts in wpmu (13 posts)

  1. Ovidiu
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but I jsut discovered the limits in formatting my posts:

    check out this post:

    completely unformatted, wpm,u strips out my

    <div>s, reformats my <p>s and strips my <br clear:all/>
    I have no clue how I am supposed to align stuff...

    take the above example, I am trying to group the pictures, 4, 4 and the last 5 should be separated from each other...

    can you give me some hints? I mean I wanted to ask for advice here before going in to hack core files to allow more tags inside posts... is there a way I am supposed to achieve this without hacking?

  2. Ovidiu
    Posted 17 years ago #

    any suggestions please?

  3. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Which editor are you using?

    Can you post into a text file what the code it suppose to look like?

  4. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    MU strips out styling tags within the body of a post.

    Either hack it to allow those tags, or add image styling to the theme you're using - if you want all images to behave the same way.

  5. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Pretty much.
    It let's you use a class or ID, but not an inline style.

    Kinda sucks, but I understand the reason behind it. All though it keeps me from cheating sometimes. lol

  6. Ovidiu
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I am using the default wysiwyg built-in tinymce editor.

    The thing is I know there are hardcoded allowed tags inside wpmu similar to the hardcoded extension lsit that you are allowed to upload by default, I was just curious what the general approach is before hacking those files...

    as to how the final code is supposed to look, I am not wanting much, I would be happy to get some linebreaks in there, i.e. have this sentence:

    Citeva din lucrarile expuse:
    start on its on line, not after the first 4 images...

    tried hitting

    several times, did not work, tried inserting a
    <br clear:all/>
    which got stripped out, then I tried using
    tags without formatting, just having them there but nothing worked...

    so how do you get things to start on a new line?

  7. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I use

    <p />
    frequently, and it seems to work for adding an extra line between paragraphs.

    Or you could use


    Beats me, I hate the visual editor. If I felt like taking the time with every update to rip it out, I probably would.

  8. Ovidiu
    Posted 17 years ago #

    neither one of these suggestions works :-( I feel kind of angry, isn't there a way to just insert a line break? am I asking too much?

  9. Ovidiu
    Posted 17 years ago #


    how do you insert a linebreak? Or how do you get things that are below the more-tag to stay there when viewing the post in single mode?

    I just want some styling aka i.e. have 2 empty lines between two paragraphs of text

  10. jjmajava
    Posted 17 years ago #

    More generally: since the editor strips out the elements and attributes it doesn't allow, where can you change this setting?

  11. Ketwaroo
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I've been tinkering with kses.php with some success.
    i got my script tags working again!!!

    It's what strips out most tag attributes. if anyone is curious.

    maybe there should be a feature in the next wordpress release to allow adding new allowedtags and attributes directly from admin cpl...

  12. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I just edit the file.

  13. JMF
    Posted 17 years ago #

    ...just looking into this myself. Noticed that kses.php has the line:
    // You can override this in your my-hacks.php file

    Is that still a viable option? Or is that line just a leftover from old Wordpress days?

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