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FireStats for WPMU (19 posts)

  1. omry
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Hi all,
    FireStats got new experimental support of WPMU.

    more information here:

  2. Konstan
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Nice, I've been after a stat software for a while to my wpmu install. I'll wait until this becomes a little more stable and then I'll install.

  3. omry
    Posted 16 years ago #

    if no one helps beta testing it it will never get more stable. :)

    I am not suggesting running it on a live site yet, but certainly playing with it in a sandbox.

  4. suleiman
    Posted 16 years ago #

    omry, I've been using your single-wordpress based firestats solution for a long time, and several users have it activated on my blogging site.

    I just want to know, if I opt for this solution, will their previous data be wiped out?

  5. MrBrian
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Interesting, i'll give it a whirl.

  6. omry
    Posted 16 years ago #

    not exactly, but I don't support this configuration.
    the idea is that there is a single set of FireStats tables for the entire wpmu site (currently about 15 tables).

    if you install on a per blog basis (like you did now), each blog will get its own set of tables, and also full administrative control over firestats (for good and for bad).

    the wpmu support, however, works differently:
    there is a single firestats installation with many sites (each blog is a site), and users get no administrative access: they can only change a few elements like language and other UI elements (number of hits to display in hits table etc).

    so, the data will not be "lost", but the new firestats will not use it.
    in fact, you should remove the existing firestats plugin before attempting to install the wpmu version.

  7. demonicume
    Posted 16 years ago #

    is there any difference from the site admin's perspective between the mu-plugin set up and the individual blog set up? the states that old blogs will not be automatically registered, is there a way for mye t go back thru and register those blogs OR is it preferable to install in plugins and use the plugin manager to activate all the individual firestats plugs? if i do use the latter method, will the stats collection be different?

    i'm very displeased with Google Analytics right now. so i'd love to use this option.

  8. drmiketemp
    Posted 16 years ago #

    i'm very displeased with Google Analytics right now.

    Nice to see someone else realize that Urchin/GA isn't all that it's supposed to be.

  9. omry
    Posted 16 years ago #

    (is there a way to get email notifications for new comments to the thread?)

    There is a difference, the site admin sees normal firestats (with access to the stats of all the blogs), while the end users see a version with their own stats and some basic settings.

    about installation method:
    the difference between installing into mu-plugins and plugins is that if its installed into mu-plugins users can't activate it. this dictates the following differences:
    1. new blogs are registered automatically when they are created.
    2. it _WILL_ be possible to register existing blogs, either from the admin menu (single click of button) or maybe automatically somehow.

    1. blogs registers when they activate the FireStats.

    in both cases, there is a shared set of tables for all blogs. (unlike normal mu-plugins, that gets their own database "instance").
    the reason is mostly performance (FireStats got about 16 tables, and you don't want every user to get additional 16 tables).
    this also allows viewing statistics for the entire mu site easily.

    the code on the link is for beta only, better not use with real users until its officially released. (the official release will most likely require dropping the firestats tables or manually tweaking the database a bit to get FireStats to properly upgrade the db tables).

  10. SteveAtty
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Does Firestats actually give me anything that I can't get from my apache logs?

  11. Anonymous
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Hi there, I love Firestats, so now I'm trying to hard code them into my themes.

    I could get the Widget Popular Posts working very easily, but the PHP code is giving me a lot more trouble.

    Could someone give me a sample PHP code for retrieving the 5 most popular posts? Thanks very much

  12. Anonymous
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Hello, can anyone help here?


  13. omry
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Check out this function:

    this is what generates the popular pages widget.
    unlike the normal API, it uses a cache which will reduce server load. (popular pages are fetched at most every one hour (3600 seconds).

  14. Anonymous
    Posted 15 years ago #

    That looks like exactly what I need, but I have to hardcode it into the sidebar - could you perhaps give me a bit of advice on how to do that?

    Thanks very much

  15. omry
    Posted 15 years ago #

    just copy paste the relevant bits from the function.
    you will need to have minimal understanding of how PHP work to hard code anything into your sidebar, and this is not something I can help you with.

  16. Ovidiu
    Posted 15 years ago #

    hi there.
    I noticed that when going to the admin itnerface as the site admin, to the palce where you see the whole lsit of all blogs, tracked by firestats, that list contains also spam blogs and blogs that have been deleted. I would now have to manually delete lots of entries, coudl your plugin be adapted, to auto delete blogs marked as spam and blogs that have been deleted?
    otherwise coudl you at least modify the interface so I can delete more than one blog at a time from firestat's interface?

  17. omry
    Posted 15 years ago #

    there is a bug report about this (submitted yesterday).
    it will be fixed with FireStats 1.6.

  18. indojepang
    Posted 15 years ago #

    can't wait for these! thank's alot omry :) very much for your effort!
    since i'm a designer.. i can't help.. is a gratitude okay?

  19. omry
    Posted 15 years ago #

    indojepang, yeah, just fine :).

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