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Not your normal type of spam - please help (45 posts)

  1. Microdot
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Hi, I've got a major spam problem on my MU blog but it's not your typical form of spam, this sort doesn't have usual address (, this spam links to external sites, but looks like a normal blog title. to see for yourself, you will have to scroll a bit, but hover over the "buy abilify cheap buy acetaminophen cheap buy aciphex cheap buy acomplia cheap buy actonel cheap buy actos" bit and you'll see it links to some place else.

    How do I remove this? Because the spam doesn't link to any blogs I'm hosting, I cannot find a way to remove it.

    Many thanks for your help,

  2. SteveAtty
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Have a close look at the source for your page.

    normally blog title link looks like:
    <br><a href=''>malambukasivarasa title</a> <br>
    If you look at the spammer it looks like:
    <br><a href=''></a><a href='http://spammersurls/abilify/'>...

    So they have created a blog (hehenomy) and its title is the huge long run of HTML which starts with a closing tag

    Which is odd as I would have thought WMPU wouldn't allow href tags in titles

  3. Microdot
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Great stuff, that's brilliant help, thank you very much

    These spammers are getting pretty clever

  4. redbox
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I'm having this problem, too. Is there any way to prevent it?

  5. drmiketemp
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Best bet would be for someone to open up a trac ticket and raise the issue with Donncha.

    Really shouldn't have to write that folks.

  6. Bike
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I see the trac ticket is opened. Maybe we can assist in handing over some code.
    I know from experience that my logical skills are better than my coding ones, so maybe somebody else can translate the following into PHP?

    I think it is very little use to just strip out the HTML tags, you still have a splog and an account that can spam anytime they want. So maybe the following will help fight this new title spam:

    - When signing up, check for "<a href" in title and description. If found, then signup program dies without sending activation emails and without creating the actual blog. And actually without notifying them as well that they are stupid spammers, so it might be nice to let them actually think it worked.
    I am pretty sure that 0% of real sign-ups would think of using HTML in the title.

    Is this possible and does anybody have an idea how to add this in wp-signup.php?

    Cheers, Bike

  7. drmiketemp
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Actually there's a filter already built into wpmu called 'strip_tags' that should work.

    Let me go look....

  8. drmiketemp
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Maybe add the following to the wp-includes/default-filters.php file:

    add_filters('signup_another_blog_init', 'strip_tags');
    add_filters('signup_blog_init', 'strip_tags');

    That looks like it should do it. I have no way of testing though.

    That should remove the html tags although it will just remove them but it will not tell the visitor that there was a problem. Guess it wouldn't matter if only spammers are going to do that.

  9. Bike
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Yes, I noticed the filters, but what I would prefer is some kind of IF statement that simply stops the registration process behind the scenes, the moment HTML is discovered.

    So that when the title is examined and HTML is found, no blog is being created at all, and no emails are being sent and spamboy has been sent to a deadend road off a cliff..

  10. drmiketemp
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Actually I just realized that we're also goign to need those filters in place when an enduser also changes the title of their blog after the blog has been created.

    edit: Also Subtitle (tag title, whatever) as well.

    reedit: I updated the ticket.

  11. JeremyVisser
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Do you reckon it would be more reliable to filter it with KSES?

    add_filter('signup_another_blog_init', 'wp_filter_nohtml_kses');
    add_filter('signup_blog_init', 'wp_filter_nohtml_kses');
  12. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I fixed this in 1045 using the sanitize* functions.

    Never mind the above. Grab this one instead: and read about it here:

  13. af3
    Posted 16 years ago #

    i'm having the same problem of spammers attaching html in the blog titles.. which then ended up flooding my "Last updated blogs" with hundreds of links.

    used the changeset 1045 from donncha, but no success: blogtitle still can be changed to include HTML tags, and multiple HTML links set in the blogtitle will appear as multiple blogs on latest_updated blogs.

    adding the filters rendered the blog to show blank page (%$#*)

    here is the code i used for last updated blogs

    <!-- begin updated_blogs -->
    $blogs = get_last_updated();
    if( is_array( $blogs ) ) {
    	<?php foreach( $blogs as $details ) {
    		?><li><a href="http://<?php echo $details[ 'domain' ] . $details[ 'path' ] ?>"><?php echo get_blog_option( $details[ 'blog_id' ], 'blogname' ) ?></a></li><?php
    <!-- end updated_blogs -->
  14. drmiketemp
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Donncha, what about when an end user updated their blog's title after blog creation? The check should probably be there as well.

  15. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Ah, I had a filter on "the_title" but it disappeared somewhow. I've added that one back in 1047.

  16. byjournal
    Posted 16 years ago #

    today i have got 4 such blogs...
    user-agent: yahoo slurp!
    IP is from YAHOO, see here

    YAHOO is spammer?


    Http Code: 302 Date: Sep 10 15:17:27 Http Version: HTTP/1.0 Size in Bytes: 0
    Referer: -
    Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;

    Http Code: 200 Date: Sep 10 15:17:28 Http Version: HTTP/1.0 Size in Bytes: 9903
    Referer: -
    Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp;

  17. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 16 years ago #

    The "the_title" check I had in messed with post_titles, not blog titles. It's since been removed, but if you're printing a list of blogs, pass the blog title through strip_tags().

  18. drmiketemp
    Posted 16 years ago #

    @Donncha, if thats directed to me, no, I mean when a Blog Admin goes Dashboard -> options -> General and changes the title of the blog there.

    I haven't tried it though so it may already be covered. Too late in the day to roll out an update.

  19. af3
    Posted 16 years ago #

    this is what i did, strip_tags and limit to 35 chars.

    $blog_title = strip_tags($blog_title);
      $blog_title = substr($blog_title, 0,35);

    this, however does not stop user from editing the title and changing them to HTML

  20. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 16 years ago #

    drmike - good idea. next time around. It was after 11pm here and we'd been up since 6am with the baby. Head was a little fried! :)

  21. MazZziKa
    Posted 16 years ago #

    so is there is any way to kill this spam

  22. drmiketemp
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Um, Dashboard -> Site Admin -> Blogs -> Delete?

    Donncha's worked it out so that it won't occur any more. That I believe is the point of this thread. :)

  23. redbox
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I added the fix from the trac above (changeset 1045) and it's adding dashes between the words in the title.

    For example, I created a blog called "our test blog". It renamed it our-test-blog. I was able to go in afterwards and edit the title correctly.

  24. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 16 years ago #

    redbox - ignore that one, I changed those sanitize commands in 1047 because of that problem. It's fixed in 1.2.5a but you should use strip_tags() if displaying lists of blog titles.

  25. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I think the only way that html got into the blog title was through the signup form. I tried several times to insert a html link in the blog title and tagline using options-general.php and each time the html got stripped out.

  26. enseignement
    Posted 16 years ago #

    How can I avoid the registration of those kind of splogs ??
    Even with 1.2.5a, they can successfully register... :(
    It should be blocked at registration

  27. Farms
    Posted 16 years ago #

  28. Bike
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Hey Farms, is there a way to make that work together with the Captcha from When trying, no fields are generated and registration is practically blocked, as there is no place to give the right answer :)

    Also, it might be nice to have an admin function, where you can change the question/answer.

    Cheers, Bike

  29. lunabyte
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Easiest, quickest way:

    at the top of wp-signup.php:

    if ( !empty($_POST['blog_title']) ) {
         $_POST['blog_title'] = strip_tags($_POST['blog_title']);

    It's a temporary fix, but thus far has worked.

  30. Bloggproffs
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Farms im sorry to say that my spammers goes past the signup security question.

    gona try lunabytes fix


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