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Redirect user to blog after login (3 posts)

  1. RobinRI
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I have a WPMU installed using directory mode into the domain root (e.g. I with titles numbered "1" to "8" so the urls are:

    When a user (say "joe") logs in at I want to find out what what blog he/she is a contributor to (all users are contributors) and redirect to the home page for that blog (e.g. Any quick way to do this? Any PHP functions that can tell me what blog(s) a user belongs to?

    I've looked at the php docs, the best thing I can think of right now is to add the blog the belong to as their URL and use "get_usermeta" and redirect based on that, of course it will break if the edit this in their profile.

  2. RobinRI
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Sorry to reply to my own question, looks like get_blogs_of_user() is a good way to do this. If anyone has further suggestions please post them.

  3. Peavy
    Posted 15 years ago #


    I'd like to do the opposite. In fact, I'm using WPu 2.6 and I host several blogs.

    I'd like people to be redirected to the wp-admin of the blog they connect from, rather than being redirected to th blog they subscribe.

    Is it possible ? I think it deals with the wp-admin/includes/mu.php and the function redirect_user_to_blog but have no clue of what has to be changed...

    I'm going back to the code... hoping I'll find a solution

    Peavy 8)

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