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Usermanagment - Spamaccounts? (12 posts)

  1. JanCux
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Hi there!

    I got WPMU up and running - really cool. But one thing that bothers me is, that everyone can create accounts without my permission first (ending up in much spam accounts).

    Is it possible to have users approved by an admin and accounts to be created only if he/she accepts the request?

    Or is this something that needs coding?


  2. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    What about setting up the Invite system?

  3. JanCux
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I tried that - simply by changeing some settings. But can anybody explain how is invite system works? Didn't find anything about it.

    As admin I see the settings for invites - but how can I invite somebody? Or how does a user invite someone?

  4. gwagenknecht
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Any news on this one? I'm also interested in setting up the invite system.

  5. gwagenknecht
    Posted 17 years ago #

    It looks like I can configure it but then there is no way to send out invites. At least the admin doesn't get invites to send out. :(

  6. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    That's odd... I had plenty. :-/

    In the master admin, if you go here:

    You should see the status and be able to add invites as well.

    And if you go to Manage->Invites (/wp-admin/invites.php) there should be the spot to fill in the first name, last name, & email, and the big "Click to send invite" button.

  7. gwagenknecht
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Mhm. Which build are you using?

    I can only configure the "Invite Options" on Site Admin -> Invites. This are my values:

    Invites Per User: 5
    Number of Invites To Add: 1
    Add Invites Every: 1
    Invites Expire After: 31 days

    The "Invite Stats" section below says that I have 0 free invites and that there is one user with 0 invites.

    I don't see the Manage -> Invites menu with my test user account.

    Update: I don't see the Manage -> Invites because the user doesn't have invites. However, I'm missing a menu item for the site admin to give invites to users or send out invites to a couple of people. It looks like that such a menu is not there.

    The only code that looks like it could add such a menu is commented out in invites.php. Even if I uncomment the add_action nothing changes. Looks like the wpmuadmindefaultpage action is not definied?

    function invites_admin_send_form() {
    print "<h2>Invites</h2>";
    Invite a new user to use this site!
    <form action='wpmu-edit.php?action=invite' method='POST'>
    Email: <input type='text' value='' name='email' size='40'>
    <input type='submit' value='Send Invite'>
    // must also list stats on current invites and drill down into specifics.
    # add_action('wpmuadmindefaultpage', 'invites_admin_send_form');

  8. samchng
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Yes, I have the same problem as gwagenknecht. I don't see Manage->Invites. But when I type /wp-admin/invites.php I see the page. Think there is some issue in the admin navbar.

    My number of invites has always been zero too. ;)

    Anyone knows how this checkbox work?
    "Registration - check for invite:"
    When I check it, my wp-newblogs.php gets a 404 error.

    Have a good day!

  9. andrewbillits
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I haven't read this entire thread yet but this may help. If invites aren't appearing under the admin menu just do the following:

    1) open up wp-inst/wp-admin/menu.php

    2) uncomment lines 36-39.

    Donncha commented this out a long time ago. I hope this helps :)

  10. gwagenknecht
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Thanks, that did the trick and I now understand why it's commented out. I guess Donncha wanted to generalize this and add the menu entry through the plug-in instead of hard coding it in menu.php.

  11. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    "Anyone knows how this checkbox work?
    "Registration - check for invite:"
    When I check it, my wp-newblogs.php gets a 404 error."

    Yep. :) When that box is checked it means nobody can create a new blog without an invite.

  12. samchng
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Thanks andrea :)
    Seems like the something is wrong. Will do some debugging.

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