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Problems with plugins and version 2.6 (4 posts)

  1. fthomas
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Good day,

    I am wondering if anyone has a solution for the two following plugins and wp mu 2.6:

    - Auto social poster - just doesn't work anymore.
    - XML sitemap generator - again, just doesn't work.



  2. tdjcbe
    Posted 15 years ago #

    It would be very helpful if you mentioned which specific plugins you were using, (there are over a dozen sitemap plugins) along with the specific problems you are having. Telling us "it doesn;'t work anymore" gives us little to go on as you;re the only one who can see what is occurring. Are you getting a specific error? Time outs? What?

    The debugging page linked to from the readme file is a great place to start. You may want to review it for the information that you need to include when asking for help.

  3. fthomas
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Sorry for the lack of info. I was probing the waters to see if others are having issues.

    As to the xml sitemap generator, I'm using XML Sitemap Generator for WordPress I've tried the previous version that was specifically meant for mu and this one with mods that I've seen around the internet. Same result, nothing. Nothing to report. Nothing at all. You press generate sitemap and it comes back a few moments later telling that it hasn't yet created a sitemap.

    As to the other plugin, Auto Social Poster, when you post a message, nothing again. It's like the plugin doesn't see the submission of a post.

    A debugging page would be great, but I have no idea how to create one. I proceeded to the readme and tried to follow the link to and do this thing, but seems to me that I need to be the programmer to figure out what is requested.


  4. fthomas
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I've downgraded to 1.5.1 to resolve a couple of issues, but I am still having troubles getting 'auto social poster' working. Is there a difference to how normal wp and wp mu performs postings?

    I'm not sure how to proceed here and wonder if anyone has any 'leads' on how to patch this.



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