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Theme modifications for WPMU (4 posts)

  1. gwagenknecht
    Posted 18 years ago #


    Which modifications are necessary to make a theme work with WordPress MU?

    CU, Gunnar

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Most of the time, none. It depends on what functionality you want your users to have and what it hard-coded in the theme already.

    Pick the theme you want to use.
    Check it for plugin calls you may or may not have.
    Delete the ones you don't want/use, add the ones you do.
    Check for hard-coded links and "blank" links the theme author put in as placeholders.

    Remeber to activate it for all users. I enable it for a test blog first and check it out there.

  3. djsteve
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Isn't there some kind of call where we can have it say get your own "" blog and such.. I thought I saw that poasted here somehwre and I haven't been able to find it after searching through tones of posts tagged theme(s).

    I guess I am going to look into one of the other themes and try to find them that way. I wonder if there is any new info about things like calling a tag cloud and stuff?

    Can we set up a docuwiki or something where we post this important info, searching through all the posts in the forum is tough for popular words.. we could document some of the basic info like this.

  4. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    "Isn't there some kind of call where we can have it say get your own "" blog "

    You insert that manually into each theme.

    "I wonder if there is any new info about things like calling a tag cloud and stuff?"

    "Can we set up a docuwiki or something "
    Feel free to make contributions.

About this Topic

  • Started 18 years ago by gwagenknecht
  • Latest reply from andrea_r