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[closed] Repurposing subdomains (4 posts)

  1. malcs_64
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I had a standalone blog at but now that I have an MU I decided to nuke it as well as that subdomain and just rebuild it in the MU but every time I try to establish "records." it never works, even though my host has set a wildcard DNS for it and apparently nothing else is wrong. Is there a conflict with previous subdomains being able to be used for new MU subdomains?

  2. tdjcbe
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Please do a search for "previous subdomains" as it;s been discussed at some length.

  3. bentrem
    Posted 15 years ago #

    How often have you typed that?

    Why can't you actually be helpful instead of lecturing everyone who comes by?

    If you know so much you could easily paste some appropriate information or URL.


  4. tdjcbe
    Posted 15 years ago #

    If you know so much you could easily paste some appropriate information or URL.

    Thanks racist asshole. As many folks here in the forums know, I have a problem with keyboards, mice and doing copy and pastes.

    edit: I'm sure though that you'll be stepping up shortly to show everybody bow much better you are than the rest of the folks here.

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