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Importing wordpress xml but with strange error (3 posts)

  1. takuya
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I'm using wpmu 2.7, and just tried to import from another wordpress installation.

    On the import page it says Max file size is 8mb, and my exported xml file is 2.2mb. It should normally work fine, however when I start the importing process, an error message returns that file is too big and the file should be within 1.5mb

    How can I solve this?

  2. VentureMaker
    Posted 15 years ago #

  3. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    "an error message returns that file is too big and the file should be within 1.5mb"

    Check other limits on the server, like the ones in the php.ini file.

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