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Creating blogs? (10 posts)

  1. entee
    Posted 15 years ago #


    Im having some weird problems when i create a new blog

    The actual creation (enter blog name, email etc) of the blog is fine. But when i attempt to visit the blog, or go to the backend of the blog, i am re-directed to the server's primary domain?!

    This is very stange, i don't know how to solve it.
    Can anyone offer any solutions?

    I'll give trusted users access or the admin pannel so they can get a better idea on whats going on.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. SteveAtty
    Posted 15 years ago #

    HAve you set up the DNS wildcards as instructed in the documentation?

  3. entee
    Posted 15 years ago #

    No i don't know how to.

    Can it be done through ssh?

  4. tdjcbe
    Posted 15 years ago #

    The readme file has instructions on setting up dns and apache correctly. You may want to review the file. And, yes, it can be done via ssh.

    No disrespect intended but if you;re having problems with following written instructions and are unfamiliar with basic server operation, you may have worse problems down the road with running a mu site. You may want to review the "Is Mu for me?" sticky and see if maybe you;re getting in over your head.

  5. entee
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I'm not installing Wordpress MU for the sake of it. It provides extra features that Wordpress standard doesn't.

    If the case was, as you suggested tdjcbe, that MU were for the people who knew wordpress back-to-front and who has server operations and functionality under their belt then support forums like this, wouldn't exist.


  6. tdjcbe
    Posted 15 years ago #

    that MU were for the people who knew wordpress back-to-front and who has server operations and functionality under their belt

    You haven't read the sticky, have you?

    Running MU is not "simple", and it's not intended to be a get rich quick set-up of out of the box. You need certain skills to be able to successfully run, maintain, and support an MU installation.

    Of these skills, you'll need to not necessarily be an expert, but be comfortable with them. If you are working with someone as a collaboration, then the skills should be present overall through the group to get the job done.

    You should have a good foundation with: Php; Mysql, and not just PhpMyAdmin, but command line as well; HTML; CSS; Server Administration and configuration, Note that the download page says APACHE, the ability to use tools like the error_log in Apache, other error logs (mail, etc), and be able to look up common error messages through google or use this sites search page before posting the same question that has been asked a dozen times already.

  7. entee
    Posted 15 years ago #

    that MU were for the people who knew wordpress back-to-front and who has server operations and functionality under their belt

    I was repeating what you were insinuating.

    HTML/CSS has nothing what-so-ever to do with the installation and maintainence of Wordpress MU.

    Once again, this forum wouldn't exist if the users of MU had the "understandings" you mentioned above.

  8. VentureMaker
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Once again, this forum wouldn't exist if the users of MU had the "understandings" you mentioned above.

    This forum would exist anyway :)

    What pertains wildcard DNS. If you ping - what does it say?

    Also, is your WPMU using subdirectories or subdomains for blogs?

  9. entee
    Posted 15 years ago #

    When i ping a subdomain i get reply's from the shared IP.

    WPMU is using subdomains.

  10. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    So.. did you enable wildcard subdomains?

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