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Only allow logged in users to view blog... (6 posts)

  1. ahoppe
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Hey Everyone,

    Is it possible to require users to log in before they are able to view a blog?

    One of our blogs under Wordpress MU is a blog that hosts resources for our teachers. The admin of this blog doesn't want the public to be able to view the blog, but wants teachers to be able to log in (our WPMU installation is tied to Active Directory) and view the blog.

    Is this possible? Am I missing a setting somewhere? Forgive me if I'm being dumb! lol

  2. tmoorewp
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Go to Site Admin -> Blogs and Edit the blog you want to make non-public. Then click the "No" radio box next to public and update the options. That'll make it so that only logged in users can look at the blog.

  3. ahoppe
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Hmm..I tried that without success.

    The problem is that if I manually browse to the blog, it's still viewable when logged out.

    If my understanding is correct, the non-public option basically hides the blog from search engines and any auto-populating lists (like the default main site blog).

  4. tmoorewp
    Posted 14 years ago #

    The problem is that if I manually browse to the blog, it's still viewable when logged out.

    I'm fairly certain this has worked for me in the past. Are you sure you're not seeing a browser cached version after you log out?

  5. ahoppe
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Yep. I'm able to browse to it from other computers. I remoted into one of our Win2K3 servers that has Firefox installed (which I know has never been used to view this blog, lol), and it was viewable.

    We're running version 2.8.4a in case that makes a difference.

  6. tmoorewp
    Posted 14 years ago #

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