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WP deletes HTML Code - verry annoying (2 posts)

  1. syfy323
    Posted 13 years ago #


    my wp mu installation worked very good until now. If i save a sub-page i get the successfull message but he deleted most of my html code stuff. i have to copy some code for youtube videos, google cal and mailman-subscription and he deltes most of the code.

    What can i do? Why does this happen? if i do it hard over the database it works... but thats very bad because it isnt a solution...

  2. tdjcbe
    Posted 13 years ago #

    Been discussed many times previously. Allowing embeds, objects, forms, and the rest is a major security risk. A quick search of the forums for the examples you included in your post (ie youtube videos, google cal and mailman-subscription) should have shown you many threads on the topic.

    I'll point you at one of the threads where links were provided and reasons were discussed:

    Hope this helps

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