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Problem with subdomains (5 posts)

  1. sgtbenc
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I searched and saw no solution for this. I installed MU successfully, then later setup had the virtual host thinggy setup. I am in a slightly unusual situation. I use instead of my cpanel controlling the DNS. Here's the problem, the subdomains that i create blogs at don't work. See it for yourself if you want:


    After I saw that this didn't work, I reinstalled MU, to see if it would make a difference. It did not. Any Ideas?

  2. mozey
    Posted 17 years ago #

    you have to make sure that your wildcard * is pointing to the same place that is pointing to.

  3. nexia
    Posted 17 years ago #

    everydns is an independant system that is not managed by your host, there is no interaction between MU and your everydns then... so it is impossible for them to work in team...

    so you have to use the wildcard solution in...

  4. sgtbenc
    Posted 17 years ago #

    @ mozey, I have both and * pointed to the same domain with "A" records.

    @ nexia, so, you're saying that for Wordpress MU to work, I can only use cpanel's DNS system?

  5. mozey
    Posted 17 years ago #

    well, if that is the case then, you need to play around with your Vhost file, if you dont have access to your vhost, i think you could play with your .htaccess to get it done.

    Here is how mine looks like, i'm using apache2 on freebsd system:

    <VirtualHost *>
    ServerAdmin your admin email
    DocumentRoot /path/to/your/site
    ServerAlias *
    <Directory /path/to/your/site>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride FileInfo Options
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

    this line "ServerAlias *" is where all the money is at. Your basicly telling the server, that your MU instllation is responsible for all of your unkown subdomains. I hope that works for you man, good luck.

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