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All posts saved as draft (4 posts)

  1. arlob
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I just installed WPMU version 1.2.1 everything worked fine but once I registered a new user, and logged in as a new user and tried to write a post, this post was saved as a Draft.

    All posts are actually saved as drafts, even though I select the radio button option "Published" for the Post Status.

    I would appreciate your help. Thank you in advance =)

  2. hempsworth
    Posted 17 years ago #

    What role has been set to that new user to?

    From the codex:

    "Contributor - Somebody who can write and manage their posts but not publish posts"

    The new user might be set to "Contributor". If it is then you simply need to change it to the "Author" role or higher and their posts will be published.

  3. arlob
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Hi. Thank you for your answer.

    The user did not have a default role at first, but after I changed the role, as you suggested, (I switched it to Editor) it still didn't allow the user to Publish, it saved the post as a Draft.

  4. arlob
    Posted 17 years ago #

    It also seems like all new users cannot publish their posts, they are automaticly saved as Protected.

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