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What's your favorite theme ? (2 posts)

  1. new-net
    Posted 16 years ago #


    As one question often suggests another ..

    I've installed a humble wp-mu, and wish to offer blogs to a few friends with absolutely 0 knowledge of PHP.

    My goal is to offer one or two choosable themes.

    Therefore i'm looking for a fully customisable theme (custom headers, custom colors / stylesheets, etc).

    Which would you recommand ?

    K2 seems a good start, but i'm sure there are some others ..

    So, what's your favorite theme ?

  2. drmike
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Take a look at the site for which themes have the header uploader and then take a look at

    I think that's the URL for them. ;)

    edit: Yup, it is.

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