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List All Posts Plugin, Displaying Blog URL??? (5 posts)

  1. jerxs
    Posted 16 years ago #

    hello, I am using the most recent sitewide posts plugin which is working just fine, though there is one thing Id like to modify if possible;

    The SHOW_BLOG option, id like to modify to not just display the blogs name, but have the blogs name as a link to that blog.

    I really dont know much PHP and even though Ive tryed I have not got it to work.

    Can anyone give me a hand doing this?

    Thanks Jer

  2. heyguy
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I'm not sure what plugin you're referring to, but I use list-all-posts and it does what you're asking.

  3. jerxs
    Posted 16 years ago #

    the plugin list the latest posts from each blog with excerpt and read more link, in each excerpt is prints "posted in Whatever Blog" but its just plain text, id like to somehow display the "whatever Blog" as a link to its home page.

  4. heyguy
    Posted 16 years ago #

    You should be able to edit the plugin code easily enough. If you use list-all-posts it's already in there. If you tell us which plugin specifically you are using, someone else may have already done it for that one as well.

  5. jerxs
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Sorry this is the specific plugin I am using;

    Im slowly learning php and am actually trying to do two things with this plugin. One as mentioned above with the link and two configure it to use a defult thumbnail image for each blog to be displayed beside each latest post from the blog which the post came from.

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