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Password protected directories (1 post)

  1. mspecht
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I am trying to run MediaWiki on the same server as wpmu for a very small group of users the installation needs to be password protected from the outside world. I have got the install working and change the .htaccess file in the wpmu root and got things work. Once I turn on authentication via .htaccess in the wiki directory things start to go strange, every request to the wiki is sent back to the home page of wpmu.
    The .htaccess in the Wiki directory is:-
    rewriteengine off
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Restricted Area"
    AuthUserFile "/foo/.htpasswds/bar/passwd"
    require valid-user

    In the wpmu root the rewrite rule is:-
    RewriteRule ^wiki/.*$ - [L]

    Things work fine without the Auth requirements but not once they are turned on, any thoughts?

About this Topic

  • Started 18 years ago by mspecht