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1.2.4 Release Candidate 1 in SVN (8 posts)

  1. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 16 years ago #

    A release candidate has now been tagged in SVN as 1.2.4rc1. You can either grab it through svn at or download a zip file at

    If there are no major problems (beyond the ones already reported in Trac) I'll release 1.2.4 tomorrow.

    Thanks for all the bug reports, and patches!


  2. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 16 years ago #

    bump bump bump, works fine for all of you then?

  3. andrewbillits
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I just gave it a whirl and didn't come across any problems. However that was a clean install. Someone might want to try an upgrade.

  4. lunabyte
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Now Donncha, you know about bumping in less than 24 hours. :D

    Cha cha cha.... I couldn't help it. he he he he.

    Did you notice if the wp_options table contents were duplicated? I haven't looked at trac this morning to see if that problem had been eliminated.

    Honestly, as much as I would love to try it, it would be another 8 hours at least before I can find a chance to give it a go.

  5. dsader
    Posted 16 years ago #

    dashboardswitcher.php line 51 remove the typo semi-colon so

    background: 'transparent url( ../wp-content/mu-plugins/bullet_arrow_down.gif ) no-repeat scroll 100% .2em;',


    background: 'transparent url( ../wp-content/mu-plugins/bullet_arrow_down.gif ) no-repeat scroll 100% .2em'

    The dropdown arrow won't show in Safari otherwise.

  6. dsader
    Posted 16 years ago #

    wpmu-blogs.php needs to search paths in a non/vhost.
    So line 228 changes from
    AND {$wpdb->blogs}.domain like '%". trim( $_GET[ 's' ] )."%'";
    AND {$wpdb->blogs}.domain || {$wpdb->blogs}.path like '%". trim( $_GET[ 's' ] )."%'";

  7. dsader
    Posted 16 years ago #

    wpmu-users.php lists blogs by domain but needs path for a non/vhost
    so line 301
    changes from
    print '<a href="wpmu-blogs.php?action=editblog&id=' . $val->userblog_id . '">' . str_replace( '.' . $current_site->domain, '', $val->domain ) . '</a> (<a ';
    into this
    print '<a href="wpmu-blogs.php?action=editblog&id=' . $val->userblog_id . '">' . str_replace( '.' . $current_site->domain, '', $val->domain . $val->path ) . '</a> (<a ';

    New trac ticket #401,402

  8. dsader
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Something's (still?) wrong with the return email when adding blogs under blogs.php

    a) I(site admin) don't get an email until I change get_option('admin_email'), to get_site_option('admin_email'), in wpmu-edit.php line 149.
    b) The \n , new lines, are not rendered, the message simply has the \n mucking things up.
    c) the From: in the mail message is blank.

    line 148:$content_mail = sprintf(__('New blog created by %1s\n\nAddress: http://%2s\nName: %3s'), $current_user->user_login , $newdomain.$path, wp_specialchars($blog['title']) );
    line 149:@wp_mail( get_option('admin_email'), sprintf(__('[%s] New Blog Created'), $current_site->site_name), $content_mail );

    Trac #403
    EDIT: Change single quotes to double quotes in line 148

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