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Nightly Build 2005-11-16 Creating New Blog Not Working Bug + Quick Fix (6 posts)

  1. plurk
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Basically when it creates a new blog, it doesn't fill in the options required to make the blog functional. As a result, the new blog claims it isn't installed. This is happening because cached values from other blogs are overriding the creatation of the new options for the new blog. To fix, the cache should cache values by blog id. That is rather lengthy and I'll leave that to someone else.

    A quick fix for this is done by adding one line into the function createBlog in /wp-inst/wp-include/wpmu-functions.php:


    Adding this anywhere before populate_options(); should work.

    BTW, Great Works on this software.

  2. netfreehost
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Thanks, it worked, but it seems some other bugs in the release. After signup, the main site get changed to recently created blog.

  3. Frequent
    Posted 18 years ago #

    In my case this fix didn't have any effect with regards to accessing the blogs that were created but were triggering the wp not installed message.

    It did however somehow mess up my admin area causing the links to appear as one recently created blog. I pulled the new line and the problem persists.

    Any other suggestions?


  4. plurk
    Posted 18 years ago #

    It won't fix the blogs once they are created. They have to be destroyed and recreated. And the other problem is fixed over here:
    However, you should implement the bottom fix to ensure you don't delete all your files in wp-inst.

  5. netfreehost
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Frequent, this was a bug with wpmu-2005-11-17, that is recently created blog become home page. I think wpmu-2005-11-18 is working fine, after two days of upgrading and downgrading, got wpmu-2005-11-18 working fine for me.

  6. plurk
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I am certain I was still encountering the same problem with 2005-11-18. Perhaps, I am mistaken. However, there is still a fairly serious bug in the caching object that still needs to be patched. Namely that if someone sets DISABLE_CACHE to be true, they run the risk of obliterating all files in their wp-inst directory if some function calls wp_cache_flush();

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