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Default plugins&theme (3 posts)

  1. gighen
    Posted 16 years ago #

    i've done some tests with wp-mu and i'ld like to start with a new project, i read a lot about default plugins (in this forum), but i still have 2 questions:
    1) isn't there any way to change the default theme for new blogs?
    2) how many and what plugins do you activate by default?

    mine will probably be a pretty small community of bloggers (50-100), but i want to do a good job :)

    Thank you

  2. peiqinglong
    Posted 16 years ago #

    1) Rename your theme to default (or I think there is a way to code it, you have to search for it)

    2) I activate widgets such as Front Page Login and subpages. Try to keep to a minimum of default plugins because it can bog down load times unnecessarily, especially if users don't use certain plugins.

  3. gighen
    Posted 16 years ago #

    ok, but in your experience what plugins are necessary?
    I just need a good list to start, then i'll manage them by myself

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