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Counterize and phpmyvisites for wpmu (1 post)

  1. Iron
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Hello world,

    I recently hacked counterize It now makes only one mysql table for the entire site and saving referrer, timestamp and country. It’s working well but reading the web, people say that the table size will grow so fast.
    I don’t know if making it running on a single table is good or not. I did it to have site wide and per blog or per blog group (blogs of user) stats.

    May be you can advise me about it.

    The second stuff I did is to make phpmyvisites work with my wpmu installation.
    It’s collecting stats for each blog. I modified it a little and added two or three functions in a mu-plugins file. I intend to integrate it in wordpress admin area using iframes, just like stats plugin do. People are saying that phpmyvisites is one of the most powerful stats software.

    Lets talk about it :)

About this Topic

  • Started 16 years ago by Iron