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Rebrading of wordpress (2 posts)

  1. lloydie
    Posted 18 years ago #

    i have been looking into many different cms/portel/blogging software lately and have finally settled on wordpress. Through my investigations into alot of such packages l was interested in the amount of "commercial" cms software out their that are simple re-branded systems, i will use as a example : "DISCLAMIER: if l am incorrect about any assumtions please notify me and l will ajust my thinking!"

    first of all gnu license does give anyone the option to do such a thing as rebranding that l understand. However what l am interested in is the thoughts of others about people who use open-source applications to make money and to a certain extent don't then publish their work as plug-ins etc for the overall benefit to the application.

  2. gappiah
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Have a look at

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