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redirecting to wp-admin/profile.php the possible cause of error and solution (5 posts)

  1. wep
    Posted 16 years ago #

    possible cause of the error of trac @425 and basic solution.

    the error is chang prefix in tables, in all versions.

    Is Basic, I am install new wordpress mu 1.3.2 with sub directories, first in wp-config-sample change wp_ prefix to asd89_ and install from correctly but the problem is what one user create account and when login from nice all good , but login from redirect to, because change of prefix, solution: install with prefix wp_ and resolute problem, now login work in front page for users and admin, now redirect fine.

    I deduce what... must modify something in the tables if install wpmu with another prefix.

  2. wep
    Posted 16 years ago #

    if you want to use one plugin, Login in front page, one good plugin i find:

    put in index php, header or sidebar, of u theme <?php login_here(); ?>

    in mu plugins:

    work fine ;)

  3. jackiedobson
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Why not put this information over on the trac then? I think that's where it should go.

  4. lunabyte
    Posted 16 years ago #

    What does this have to do with a username having capital letters?

    That's what ticket 425 is.

    While I don't disagree that this appears to be an issue, I tested with the same response, what that tells me is that it would appear that somewhere there may be a hardcoded wp_ prefix.

  5. wep
    Posted 16 years ago #

    lunabyte, no capital letters, the problem is users they get redirected to wp-admin/profile
    sorry, is Ticket #427, i add in track my solution.

    $table_prefix = 'wp_'; in config non is problem,

    I am afraid that my solution is partial. and the change of prefix in tables supposes more security

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