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Remove menu items + functions from admin panel (1 post)

  1. Mattz
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Ofcourse I have searched for this a lot, ubt I' m not sure about this.

    I want to remove some functions for blogowners from the admin panel. This is doable using is_site_admin(), but I doubt about the function itself, I have the idea when someone is logged in they can post from an own local form that they made and still use these functions from the wpmu-functions for an example.

    Example: I'm trying to remove the delete-blog function for BlogOwners form their admin-panel. This function is very tighten into the code and I' m not able to remove it without an warning in the logs.

    Any idea bot that one would be nice

    Another example is that blogowners are able to search for other blogowners on the Users.php. I can remove this code from the HTML part without any problems, but will this be enough.. the function is still in there ofcourse.

About this Topic

  • Started 16 years ago by Mattz