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Howto blogname = standard admin loginname ? (6 posts)

  1. Mattz
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I'm looking for a solution that a chosen blogname is also the main admin name for that blog.

    I don't need username registration, so I will rip that part out anyway from the register page.

    It's actually quite unlogic that you first have to chose your username, and after it your blogname. It is logical when you need a user usersignup actually.

    I was thinking of changing (switching actually) the description from use username and domainname page, so it looks like it's your subdomain page at first and when you submit that that you go to the "domainpage" where I disable the username formfield for editing and $_GET the blogname in that formfield that I have let the user set in my modified "domainpage".

    In this way the person thinks he choses his blogname first and his username will be his blogname also, but actually it's the other way around.

    Or are there better fixes to do this ?

  2. Mattz
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Did no-one every thought about this ?

    I think it's more logical to do it like I described above, but it can be me :)

  3. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    It used to be that the blogname and username were one step as you described you want to do, but then when users were given the option of creating more than one blog, it was split like it is now.

  4. Mattz
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Ok, I understand the changement.

    The question is in this part, is it easy to move back ?

    I will crawl the code further for it, but maybe this was done before by someone ?

  5. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    you'll have to crawl lway, way back in the code - like a year at least.

    Done before? Not that I can recall.

  6. Mattz
    Posted 16 years ago #

    OK, maybe I will switch layout than... as I described.. I still want to have both names the same. blogname and username.

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