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IE 6 is driving me nuts! HELP! (3 posts)

  1. helenw
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I have spent countless hours getting the themes to work in our blogs (I have to include a dynamic sidebar). All browsers are working well EXCEPT IE6. I have tried making adjustments but am really struggling.

    Has anyone figured out how to make the theme work in IE6 but still work in the other browsers too? I am not sure what part of the theme is causing the biggest problem.

    Thanks for any suggestions you might have for me.


  2. lunabyte
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Welcome to the world of "Internet Explorer can't draw its way out of a paper bag".

    That subject is way, way too deep to really discuss here. I mean, we could easily double the amount of topics in this entire forum just discussing it.

    You're best bet is to follow up in google, and search for things about conditional comments, css selectors, etc. Wealth of knowledge already out there.

    Also, check out:

    - A List Apart
    - Position Is Everything
    - Eric Meyer (meyerweb)
    - And of course, Jeffrey Zeldman

  3. helenw
    Posted 16 years ago #


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