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More Global Category Nonsense (3 posts)

  1. frogger6
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding the use of global categories in wordpressmu. everywhere I look it seems someone is questioning the use of them.

    First of all, I have no idea HOW to impliment them. I read and read and read and it seems that either the link to the plug-in is dead, the explination is way over my head, or the question is never really answered.

    Let me explain in detail what I'm trying to do and maybe someone can start by telling me if global categories is what I really need.

    I have a site ( in which each of the 30 ML baseball teams has a page. I also have a blogs page (via wordpressmu of course). The idea here is that bloggers will pick which team they will blog about and I can then feature their blogs on each of the 30 team's pages based on what team they blog about.

    make sense?

    the trouble is, unless they make it obvious in their blog title, or unless i sit and read their blogs, i won't know which team they are blogging about.

    also, reader will have a hard time finding blogs about their favorite team if they aren't categorized on the main blogs page.

    with the default settings, I'm just going to get a list of recent blog posts uncategorized. I need a list (on the side-bar would be nice) of each team and each blog for each team.


  2. henhen1978
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I have the same issue!! pls :( somebody HELP.. Did you find a solution?

  3. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Well firs toff the global_categories field in the table is for post categories, not grouping blogs. :)

About this Topic

  • Started 16 years ago by frogger6
  • Latest reply from andrea_r