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WordPress MU merged with WordPress 2.5 (55 posts)

  1. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 16 years ago # now holds the just merged WordPress 2.5 and WordPress MU code. It's not complete and it's probably unstable, and it's certainly not suitable for the faint at heart.

    Nevertheless, if you're willing to test it, you'll get:
    1. All new WordPress 2.5 admin backend including media uploader.
    2. Salted passwords.
    3. Bug and security fixes.
    4. Shiny new blog switcher created by Michael Adams

    I've tested creating a new blog from wpmu-blogs, writing posts and watched that kses stripped out class, id and style attributes. Installation works of course, hopping from blog to blog does too.

    If you're upgrading your test server you should open wp-config-sample.php and copy the SECRET_SALT and SECRET_KEY lines into your wp-config.php and set them to some random string.
    I will need to check that those constants are defined but they may end up being site options to make it easier on people upgrading.

    Let me repeat my previous warning. This is not to be used on a live server! Please only on test servers.

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I just installed it fresh on a spare domain and it went okay. I'll try an upgrade on another spare domain later. :)

    Uh, it's gonna be quite a change.

  3. boonika
    Posted 16 years ago #


    Thanks donncha!

  4. copperblade
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Sweet. I'll be testing it soon.

  5. nolageek
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Went ahead and upgraded to 1.5 since it's not very active at the moment anyway.

    1.5 seems sllloooooowwwwww to me.

  6. Trent
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Just the backend? I am sure you have to load "everything" new again for the first time, but 2.5 backend was crazy fast for me, so I don't expect much change for 1.5 WPMU.


  7. copperblade
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Upgrade seems to be working. The wp-admin areas are going kind of slow now--slower than normal. But still working. Not sure what the cause of this is.

  8. copperblade
    Posted 16 years ago #

    So... where's this shiny new blog switcher, and what does it do?

    ... nevermind I see the it's a replacement for the old switcher.

  9. kornpong
    Posted 16 years ago #

    How long WordPress MU 1.5 is out ?

  10. copperblade
    Posted 16 years ago #

    It's not out yet. This is just an announcement about updates to include WordPress 2.5 being committed to the repository so that we can try it out if we want.

  11. copperblade
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Crap, I'm getting 404 errors on all my posts now. I think I need to try to upgrade the db again, but it's very very slow... hope there isn't some script timeout problem.

  12. nolageek
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Seems a bit faster for me then when i first upgraded; I found out my boss was uploading some large files so it may have been slowing our network. Faster, but still slower than before.

    It's purty though. Definitely going to upgrade my personal blog.

  13. copperblade
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Hmmm, no upgrade site doesn't work for me: it just sits there waiting for a response forever.

  14. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Okay, I thought the slowness was just me. Brand new install too, no users.

  15. fs1502
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I have installed it in a test server and everything has been okay by now:

    - created one blog from the admin menu
    - created another blog as a regular user
    - deleted a created blog
    - made a few posts and included images.

    So far not a single error, except this one in my php log when creating a new blog:

    [04-Apr-2008 17:46:55] WordPress database error Table 'dev_wpmu.wp_2_posts' doesn't exist for query SELECT * FROM wp_2_posts made by install_blog

    I believe this is because it looks for that table before it creates it.

    Great job donncha!

  16. ferasof
    Posted 16 years ago #

    looks very nice
    i have tested a fresh copy, its ok

  17. freshestnoob
    Posted 16 years ago #

    finally. some action.

  18. SteveAtty
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Having just installed WP2.5 for someone I was surprised at how fast and clean the backend seemed to be. I've always found WPMU to be a bit sluggish so lets hope that the 2.5 code merge makes WMPU a bit sleeker.

    I'm going to play around with it on a spare domain

  19. SteveAtty
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Silly question but what about Mu plugins?

  20. SteveAtty
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I got a pile of SQL errors but I'm not sure if they are expected errors caused by creating a new blog or...

    [06-Apr-2008 11:35:25] WordPress database error Table 'newblogs.wp_site' doesn't exist for query SELECT * FROM wp_site made by require_once
    [06-Apr-2008 11:35:25] WordPress database error Table 'newblogs.wp_site' doesn't exist for query SELECT * FROM wp_site WHERE domain = '' AND path='/' made by wpmu_current_site
    [06-Apr-2008 11:35:25] WordPress database error Table 'newblogs.wp_site' doesn't exist for query SELECT * FROM wp_site WHERE domain = '' AND path='/' made by wpmu_current_site
    [06-Apr-2008 11:35:25] WordPress database error Table 'newblogs.wp_site' doesn't exist for query SELECT * FROM wp_site WHERE domain = '' AND path='/' made by wpmu_current_site
    [06-Apr-2008 11:35:25] WordPress database error Table 'newblogs.wp_site' doesn't exist for query SELECT * FROM wp_site WHERE domain = '' AND path='/' made by wpmu_current_site
    [06-Apr-2008 11:35:25] WordPress database error Table 'newblogs.wp_blogs' doesn't exist for query SELECT * FROM wp_blogs WHERE domain = '' made by require_once
    [06-Apr-2008 11:35:25] WordPress database error Table 'newblogs.wp_sitemeta' doesn't exist for query SELECT meta_value FROM wp_sitemeta WHERE site_id = '1' AND meta_key = 'site_name' made by require_once
    [06-Apr-2008 11:35:25] WordPress database error Table 'newblogs.wp_blogs' doesn't exist for query SELECT blog_id FROM wp_blogs limit 0,1 made by require_once
    [06-Apr-2008 11:35:27] WordPress database error Unknown column 'blog_public' in 'field list' for query UPDATE wp_blogs SET blog_public = '1', last_updated = NOW() WHERE blog_id = '1' made by update_blog_status
    [06-Apr-2008 11:35:27] WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'blog_public' in 'field list']
    UPDATE wp_blogs SET blog_public = '1', last_updated = NOW() WHERE blog_id = '1'

    Also its not handling apostrophes in things well - so "Steve's Ramblings" comes out as "Steve\'s Ramblings"

  21. SteveAtty
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Another oddity - I've created the initial blog. I then create a second.

    If I then login as the owner of the second blog and click on my name where it says "Howdy" it reports "You do not have permission to edit this user."

  22. fs1502
    Posted 16 years ago #

    As SteveAtty reports, it seems users cannot be edited within user accounts. Also from a regula user acount I am able to see all other users registered at the site and their email addresses, including the admin. However no edit access.

    This would be a bad thing as an spammer could just signup for a blog and get a bunch of email addresses from the user list...

  23. Trent
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Why don't you report over at ? That way Donncha knows more about the errors and the problems.


  24. SteveAtty
    Posted 16 years ago #

    As its so very "experimental" at this stage I wasn't sure if Donncha would want us piling stuff into trac at this time.

  25. tdjcbe
    Posted 16 years ago #

    He may not as he's gone ahead and closed tickets that were filed concerning the release.

  26. lcornwell
    Posted 16 years ago #

    thanks...I will have to install it when I get a chance. the cleaner interface will be welcome!

    Any idea if integrating BBPress was an option??

  27. SteveAtty
    Posted 16 years ago #

    The version I got from track had no plugins or wpmu-plugins so I think its early days yet but its looking good

  28. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Those folders are missing because there's nothing in them, so the archive doesn't create them.

    I doubt an auto-integrate with BBpress will ever be a default option. (no, it was not there.)

  29. suleiman
    Posted 16 years ago #

    with the latest version of BBPress the integration is practically spoon fed to you. As long as this tracs wordpress 2.5, generates the right codes in your wp-config file, you should be all set to jet.

  30. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 16 years ago #

    tdjcbe - of course I want tickets and a few have been posted already!

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