The MU forums have moved to (5 posts)

  1. epdady007
    Posted 18 years ago #

    can someone explain this problem?

    /home/fearless/public_html/wpmu : FAILED
    Quick Fix: chmod 777 /home/fearless/public_html/wpmu
    /home/fearless/public_html/wpmu/wp-inst : FAILED
    Quick Fix: chmod 777 /home/fearless/public_html/wpmu/wp-inst
    /home/fearless/public_html/wpmu/wp-inst/wp-content/ : FAILED
    Quick Fix: chmod 777 /home/fearless/public_html/wpmu/wp-inst/wp-content/

    One or more of the above directories must be made writeable by the webserver.
    Please chmod 777 directory-name or chown that directory to the user the web server runs as (usually nobody, apache, or www-data)
    Refresh this page when you're done!

  2. epdady007
    Posted 18 years ago #

    olso explain this

    Connection Strings
    Perl $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:fearless_wpmu:localhost","fearless_wpmu","<PASSWORD HERE>");
    PHP $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "fearless_wpmu", "<PASSWORD HERE>") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());
    mysql_select_db ("fearless_wpmu");

  3. epdady007
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Please help someone

  4. Naughty
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Please chmod directory

  5. jcow
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Chmod your directory. you can do a search on google for this for more info, and looking in your ftp client's help documentation would probably explain clearly.

    The basics are:

    When you are in your ftp program, there is a way to change the permission of a directory. Usually, you can right-click on the folder icon, and then go to properties/chmod. Under properties at the bottom is three lists: "Owners", "Group", "Public". and under each is "Read", "Write", "Execute". Make sure that each is checked on all three groups. or if there is only a box with a three-digit number in it, possibly labeled "Permissions", make sure that it says "777".

    Do this on all the directories that are listed in the warning.

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