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unfiltered-mu vs. imports (6 posts)

  1. jdub
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I can't seem to do any unfiltered imports, despite unfiltered-mu working perfectly when writing a fresh post.

    I've added some debugging code to process_posts() to see if the current user has the unfiltered_html capability, and as you would expect, the admin user does.

    But the imported posts are filtered of their youtube love. ;-)

    Any thoughts on why this happens?

  2. MortenBlaabjerg
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I don't know - but I have the same problem. Will keep looking.

  3. MortenBlaabjerg
    Posted 15 years ago #

    At your own peril : (I don't have other users on our MU install than myself, so security is not an issue)

    Put in these tags and something along the lines of the below code into your "allowed" arrays in kses.php :
    object, embed, param, script.

    This will allow video embeds from most providers, incl. YouTube, Google Video, Viddler, and others as well as widgets from a lot of sources. It works on posts imported by FeedWordpress for instance, which was my problem with the "Unfiltered MU" plugin.

    'object' => array (
    			'id' => array (),
    			'classid' => array (),
    			'data' => array (),
    			'type' => array (),
    			'width' => array (),
    			'height' => array (),
    			'allowfullscreen' => array ()),
    'param' => array (
    			'name' => array (),
    			'value' => array ()),
    'embed' => array (
    			'id' => array (),
    			'style' => array (),
    			'src' => array (),
    			'type' => array (),
    			'height' => array (),
    			'width' => array (),
    			'quality' => array (),
    			'name' => array (),
    			'flashvars' => array (),
    			'allowscriptaccess' => array (),
    			'allowfullscreen' => array ()),
    'script' => array (
    			'type' => array ()),

    Email me at for my altered kses.php if the above has become too distorted to make sense of by this comment form.

  4. johanhorak
    Posted 15 years ago #


    I have emailed Morten and received his kses.php file. [Thanks Morten].

    I have this bit of code stripped <coded>[ at the beginning and ]</coded> at the end of the following `[kml_flashembed movie="%link%" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent"

    Is this a problem that can be fixed with kses?

    Regards Johan

  5. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    How come you're putting the coded tags around the flash embed? As far as I know, they are not needed. just paste in the stuff in the square brackets. [ ]

  6. johanhorak
    Posted 15 years ago #

    When you add [] brackets via editor works. The editor add <code> bits when viewed from HTML. And I am using a pre-defined post template to add the bracket stuff and therefore need to add the <code>[' and] but these get stripped when I add them via a post template.

    Hope this make sense..

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