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User Profile


User Activity

Recent Replies

  1. Clone Blog User last replied: 14 years ago. Most recent reply: 14 years ago
  2. How to add all users as author to a forum blog? User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  3. Multiple content bug and pages with numeric permalinks User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  4. Adding Multiple Users User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  5. No Add Media Button under the Write New Post tab User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  6. WPMU 2.7 and WP 2.7.1 User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  7. Setting defaults for new blogs in 2.7 User last replied: 16 years ago. Most recent reply: 16 years ago
  8. Problem: no access to sub blogs User last replied: 16 years ago. Most recent reply: 16 years ago
  9. class being stripped out of 1.2.2? User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  10. formatiing of posts in wpmu User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  11. What are the plans to move to the WP 2.0/2.1 codebase? User last replied: 18 years ago. Most recent reply: 18 years ago
  12. Is there a Plugin to let users to edit their own css? User last replied: 18 years ago. Most recent reply: 18 years ago

Threads Started

  1. Multiple content bug and pages with numeric permalinks Started: 15 years ago No replies.
  2. How to add all users as author to a forum blog? Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  3. WPMU 2.7 and WP 2.7.1 Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  4. Setting defaults for new blogs in 2.7 Started: 16 years ago Most recent reply: 16 years ago.
  5. Problem: no access to sub blogs Started: 16 years ago Most recent reply: 16 years ago.