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WordPress MU Forums » Profile

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Recent Replies

  1. Subdomains based MU became subdirectory based after upgrade to 1.5.1 please help User last replied: 16 years ago. No replies since.
  2. IE won't log in: wants to download/save wp-login.php? User last replied: 16 years ago. Most recent reply: 16 years ago
  3. Download old versions of Wordpress MU User last replied: 16 years ago. No replies since.
  4. All posts 302 moved temporarily User last replied: 16 years ago. No replies since.
  5. Signup page instead posts User last replied: 16 years ago. No replies since.
  6. Going crazy... Some subdomains works, some not User last replied: 17 years ago. No replies since.
  7. [sticky] Hosts Using WPMU User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  8. Hava installed subdomains but blogs dont work User last replied: 18 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago

Threads Started

  1. Subdomains based MU became subdirectory based after upgrade to 1.5.1 please help Started: 16 years ago Most recent reply: 16 years ago.
  2. All posts 302 moved temporarily Started: 16 years ago No replies.
  3. Download old versions of Wordpress MU Started: 16 years ago Most recent reply: 16 years ago.
  4. Signup page instead posts Started: 16 years ago Most recent reply: 16 years ago.
  5. Going crazy... Some subdomains works, some not Started: 17 years ago Most recent reply: 17 years ago.
  6. Hava installed subdomains but blogs dont work Started: 18 years ago Most recent reply: 17 years ago.