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User Profile


User Activity

Recent Replies

  1. GUID not updated when changing date, why? User last replied: 17 years ago. No replies since.
  2. showing alt-text on page for images User last replied: 17 years ago. No replies since.
  3. how to check if blog admin is logged in User last replied: 17 years ago. No replies since.
  4. mms links are converted to http. how can I solve it? User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 16 years ago
  5. bloginfo('url') has a weird bug or feature User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  6. Anyone else notice this? User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  7. How to change domains? User last replied: 18 years ago. Most recent reply: 18 years ago
  8. theme editor tag User last replied: 18 years ago. Most recent reply: 18 years ago
  9. one admin only? User last replied: 18 years ago. No replies since.
  10. Install 08-13-2005 User last replied: 18 years ago. Most recent reply: 18 years ago
  11. Multi Language User last replied: 18 years ago. Most recent reply: 18 years ago
  12. the_content() on aggregated homepage, how? User last replied: 18 years ago. No replies since.
  13. how to convert a date User last replied: 18 years ago. Most recent reply: 18 years ago
  14. bug in get_links_list() User last replied: 18 years ago. No replies since.
  15. Global Categories for Wordpress MU (how I did it and my "plugin") User last replied: 18 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  16. $table_prefix gets overwritten, why? User last replied: 18 years ago. No replies since.
  17. MU blog-specific table selection User last replied: 18 years ago. No replies since.
  18. Why is the blog_id 0 in sub-options tables User last replied: 18 years ago. Most recent reply: 16 years ago
  19. global-categories.php what's it doing? User last replied: 18 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  20. WPMU at dreamhost User last replied: 18 years ago. Most recent reply: 16 years ago
  21. .htaccess and Bluehost not quite working for subdomains User last replied: 18 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  22. disable "create a new blog" User last replied: 18 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  23. Lightbox hack anyone? User last replied: 18 years ago. Most recent reply: 16 years ago
  24. Unofficial pot language file User last replied: 18 years ago. Most recent reply: 16 years ago
  25. bug: when creating a blog with the name blog User last replied: 18 years ago. Most recent reply: 18 years ago
  26. Sitewide Feed User last replied: 18 years ago. Most recent reply: 16 years ago
  27. Sitewide Feed Plugin User last replied: 18 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  28. Two new plugins (List All Posts and Feedback) User last replied: 18 years ago. Most recent reply: 16 years ago
  29. Cafe Spain enters testing User last replied: 18 years ago. No replies since.
  30. get_blog_list() doesn't return results User last replied: 18 years ago. No replies since.

Threads Started

  1. GUID not updated when changing date, why? Started: 17 years ago No replies.
  2. showing alt-text on page for images Started: 17 years ago Most recent reply: 17 years ago.
  3. how to check if blog admin is logged in Started: 17 years ago Most recent reply: 17 years ago.
  4. mms links are converted to http. how can I solve it? Started: 17 years ago Most recent reply: 16 years ago.
  5. bloginfo('url') has a weird bug or feature Started: 17 years ago Most recent reply: 17 years ago.
  6. How to change domains? Started: 18 years ago Most recent reply: 18 years ago.
  7. one admin only? Started: 18 years ago Most recent reply: 18 years ago.
  8. how to convert a date Started: 18 years ago Most recent reply: 18 years ago.
  9. bug in get_links_list() Started: 18 years ago No replies.
  10. the_content() on aggregated homepage, how? Started: 18 years ago Most recent reply: 18 years ago.
  11. $table_prefix gets overwritten, why? Started: 18 years ago Most recent reply: 18 years ago.
  12. Why is the blog_id 0 in sub-options tables Started: 18 years ago Most recent reply: 16 years ago.
  13. global-categories.php what's it doing? Started: 18 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  14. bug: when creating a blog with the name blog Started: 18 years ago Most recent reply: 18 years ago.
  15. get_blog_list() doesn't return results Started: 18 years ago Most recent reply: 18 years ago.
  16. How to show posts of subblogs on homepage Started: 18 years ago Most recent reply: 18 years ago.