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User Profile


User Activity

Recent Replies

  1. Using built in uploader breaks all thickbox links User last replied: 14 years ago. No replies since.
  2. Plugin trigger_error yet activates anyways! User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  3. $wpdb->prefix doesn't work during activation? User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  4. Cron twice daily, runs once if not tripped? User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 14 years ago
  5. [Plugin: Statpress XXX] Anybody deployed on a large MU site? User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  6. Redirect nonexistent blogs to index or 404, not signup User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  7. Uploading media to subdomain, primary blog only User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  8. More quick tag, and issue with the_content User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  9. Delete Me User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  10. Exclude / excluding from your rss feed User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  11. Best way to get users primary blog? User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  12. body_class in WPMU User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  13. Get sidebar and get footer User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  14. mu-plugin not being recognized. At all. User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  15. Subdomains User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  16. How to create Separate database for each blog User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  17. How to add in my wordpress blog in Forum User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  18. Searching in only one area User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  19. wp-admin issues with domain mapping User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  20. PreTag Every Post User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  21. Is this possible? Single wp install as subdomain exist in wpmu environment? User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  22. different blogs in same widget User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  23. Single Box Displaying Recent Comments and Most Popular Posts User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  24. Über Blog setup User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  25. bbPress + wpmu + subdomains User last replied: 15 years ago. No replies since.
  26. New users can't activate their blog User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  27. Mapping domain to a blog User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  28. Waste of time... User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  29. Need help hacking WPMU User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago
  30. Dashboard Blog: Catchable Fatal Error User last replied: 15 years ago. Most recent reply: 15 years ago

Threads Started

  1. Using built in uploader breaks all thickbox links Started: 14 years ago Most recent reply: 14 years ago.
  2. Plugin trigger_error yet activates anyways! Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  3. $wpdb->prefix doesn't work during activation? Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  4. Cron twice daily, runs once if not tripped? Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 14 years ago.
  5. [Plugin: Statpress XXX] Anybody deployed on a large MU site? Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  6. Uploading media to subdomain, primary blog only Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  7. More quick tag, and issue with the_content Started: 15 years ago No replies.
  8. Delete Me Started: 15 years ago No replies.
  9. Exclude / excluding from your rss feed Started: 15 years ago No replies.
  10. Best way to get users primary blog? Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  11. mu-plugin not being recognized. At all. Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  12. Searching in only one area Started: 15 years ago No replies.
  13. bbPress + wpmu + subdomains Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  14. Import only imports 100 posts?? Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  15. What's the purpose of searching wp-cron? Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  16. Hack File and wp_sitemeta to wp_options Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  17. register_activation_hook for mu-plugins Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  18. WPMU site admin add_action hooks Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  19. thickbox not queueing? Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  20. Seriously, is this TinyMCE, or Wordpress? Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  21. Are you sure you want to do this? Yes, yes I am. Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  22. bbpress mu? Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  23. Why is Wordpress stripping my CSS? Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  24. [plugin: domain mapping] Oh no, the pages are all gone! Started: 15 years ago No replies.
  25. Multiple MU installations under one domain Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  26. [plugin: wp sitewide tags] Just another blog? Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 14 years ago.
  27. [plugin: wp-email] 404 on page or popup Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  28. Akismet, blog not found, er? Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.
  29. Activating plugins for specific blogs similar to theme functionality Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 14 years ago.
  30. File too large not returning a warning, just fails? Started: 15 years ago Most recent reply: 15 years ago.