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WordPress MU Forums » Profile

User Profile


User Activity

Recent Replies

  1. Modifying MU to allow multiple URLs for one blog User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  2. Want your WPMU to consume OpenID? Now it can! User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  3. Entities not being escaped before being put into the text editor User last replied: 17 years ago. No replies since.
  4. OpenID identity server? User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  5. WordPress MU 1.3rc1 - first WordPress 2.3 merge User last replied: 17 years ago. No replies since.
  6. cannot sendmail User last replied: 17 years ago. No replies since.
  7. Beta taxonomy sync script User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  8. When will we see WP 2.3 code in a new MU? User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  9. Integration with users for a newbie User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  10. Not your normal type of spam - please help User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  11. input kses.php modification User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  12. Dashboard switcher gonna look prettier User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  13. FeedFlare User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  14. WordPress MU 1.2.4 User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  15. wordpress MU/.com and OpenID User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  16. GPL Question User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  17. Solved: Dashboard Drop Down menu User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  18. Remote File Inlcusion Reported User last replied: 17 years ago. No replies since.
  19. disable "create a new blog" User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  20. WordPress MU 1.2 User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  21. Unable to deactivate themes User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago
  22. Make "Use the visual rich editor" yes by default? User last replied: 17 years ago. No replies since.
  23. Yeah, the same DB errors spit after adding/deleting blog... User last replied: 17 years ago. Most recent reply: 17 years ago

Threads Started

  1. Entities not being escaped before being put into the text editor Started: 17 years ago Most recent reply: 17 years ago.
  2. Dashboard switcher gonna look prettier Started: 17 years ago Most recent reply: 17 years ago.