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Tag: wildcard Add New »

Topic Posts Last Poster Freshness
Subdomains: works; does not 3 drmiketemp 17 years
Pre-Install List 24 lunabyte 17 years
Activation email error 12 drmike 17 years
Turning off Wildcard DNS 4 andrea_r 17 years
Blog in subdomains but still 4 drmike 17 years
WPMU on lunarpages 10 godrockzzz 17 years
Installing WPMU in subdomain mode... 9 adammoro 17 years
Can you install to subdirectory without specifying wildcard 1 ipeat 17 years blank subdomains okay 1 jalien 17 years
how to set up wildcards and vhosts? 3 lunabyte 17 years
Subdomains won't work 2 drmike 17 years
Subdomains setup 12 andrea_r 17 years
How to set up vhosts? 14 chadon 17 years
Host Won't allow Mod_Rewrite in Apache... 8 corourke 17 years
install instructions request 6 lunabyte 18 years
Possible with WHM 3 cynovatron 18 years
setting up wildcard entry 3 drmike 18 years
How setup Wildcard subdomains 14 drmike 18 years
Domain url ends up with 10 donncha 18 years
Host enabled Virtual Server Support - Subdomains do not work on new blogs 3 MazZziKa 18 years
exact syntax 10 mohamednazmi 18 years
Install into directory under root? 2 TomK32 19 years

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