there's extensive instructions that go with it, but no hacking.
there's extensive instructions that go with it, but no hacking.
Hi Everyone,
I need some advice and was hoping that you can guide me. Hope this is the right thread. If not, apologies and request you all to bear with a newbie WPMU fan.
We are a non-profit NGO in Nature and Wildlife trying to use WPMU. We are running school programs in India and have setup WPMU to provide each school with their own blog.
We have as the central place where each school will have their site as
As we are using Mosso, wildcard domains are out. We also thought sub-folders may be way to go as all school blogs will talk about the same topics.
We have been able to successfully install LAMP, add WPMU and map the domain - thanks a lot for the efforts of everyone for this wonderful software!
I had a question, we also want our site to use the same hosting infrastructure on Mosso, if possible and is without hassles. We have limited resources. I know that one requires at least a sub-domain to map the A-records.
Both and can be independent and not exchange any data.
Should we just look for a good shared hosting for hosting a regular WP site for
All help will be appreciated deeply.
Thanks in advance,
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