OK, I think you guys would have to agree with me that http://www.wurk.net is probably the best site making use of WP MU.
How would I go about setting up something similar?
... it would be sweet if he offered his theme up for the community.
What I'm after is the ability for users to setup their own blogs on my network, but also to be able to crawl feeds of other blogs, and allow bloggers and article writers the ability to submit their posts (if they either don't use an RSS feed, or they haven't yet submitted their RSS feed).
But then what I want to be able to do is select which posts from those submitted posts/articles/feeds will be displayed on the front page.
So basically like a slashdot, but targetting a specific niche and having mainly blog feeds fuel the content.
How would I set this up in a short period of time?
What plugins, themes etc would I need?
Is there something better than WP MU that can do what I'm after?
cheers all