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Giving Buddy Press test drive a spin (10 posts)

  1. billdennis5
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I signed up for a buddy press test drive this evening and was impressed. The social networking features -- groups, messaging, etc. -- all seems to operate out of the admin panel.

    Me likee.

    I can see the applications here for citizen journalism, especially as a way for groups of people to practice it in a community, such as communicating within the group to share ideas, assignments, resources.

  2. tdjcbe
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I see they separated the blogs instead of wrapping them around the profile pages like it was previously. That was a major issue for us as we liked having the blogs separate.

    If someone follows things over there, would they please point out that there's no link back on the profile pages back to the main site?

    At least I don't see one. (For reference, that's just a random person I grabbed.)

  3. billdennis5
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I absolutely agree regarding the separation of profiles and blogs. Two completely different things. I wanted profiles that were available to all to read, but blogs that contained content.

    That's what will separate a BuddyPress site from a Facebook or MySpace page. No one in their right mind wants to try to practice citizen journalism on a FaceBook site.

    I am wondering as to whether I ought to simply ADD BuddyPress to my existing site, or create a new WPMu site and move blogs over to the new one (I have other reasons for wanting to do that, also).

    And will BuddyPress work in a site that puts the blogs in subdirectories rather than subdomains?

  4. tdjcbe
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I have other reasons for wanting to do that, also

    Wanting to start over and bypass all those mistakes that you did, huh? I doubt there's anyone here who has felt that way at least once.

    I say add to the existing site. If you try to get your users to all move, you're going to get folks that resist, moan and "express their annoyance" if you catch my meaning.

    What you may want to do, if your site isn't that big, is download a complete copy locally, install XAMPP, and give it a try locally to see how it goes.

    And will BuddyPress work in a site that puts the blogs in subdirectories rather than subdomains?

    Something in the back of mind says this used to be an issue but it's been so long since I looked at it. Maybe Andrea will poke up as she's the one who was also doing a test site.

  5. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    AFAIK, it's fine either way.

  6. billdennis5
    Posted 15 years ago #


  7. billdennis5
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Honestly, I think most of my issues haveto to with the ungodly amount of plugins I'm using. I'm thining of stripping the site bare.

  8. billdennis5
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Also, I have other reasons for wanting to migrate to a new "dot-org" site .

    I want to position Blog Peoria as a not-for-profit organization,with the ability to survive with volunteers past my death (don't worry, that's not going to happen soon, as far as I know).

    That might get more people (colleges and institutions) more interested in participating than they would some guy's blog.

  9. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    XAMPP is for making a local webserver on your Windows PC. So you can run things like WP/WPMU off your hard drive just for you to look at. :)

    And dude, yeah, for serious - I gotta do some major plugin cleanup on a bunch of sites.

  10. trcwest
    Posted 15 years ago #

    i am seriously getting a headache with a wpmu instalation that is subdirectories. and the buddy press...

    i can create users kinda fine but its not actually creating a user its creating a blog..

    ihave got it working so far but the strange thing is that it creates a blog instead of a profile and when i click on create a home base it just says...
    You're logged in already. No need to register again!

    so basically when you register at you go through the sign up well and uit does it nicely but its creating a blog not a user... i am guessing this is due to the fact that i am useing sub directories no subdomains as my server doesnt alow me acces to wildcards.

    plase can som one help its for a major uni project..


About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by billdennis5
  • Latest reply from trcwest