Posted 15 years ago #
I remember reading somewhere about a way to display image links when using excerpts with Donncha's Tags plugin. I didn't bookmark it and I can't find it again.
Not only image links..but also short code from things like Viper's quick tags. All those get stripped out when using excerpts.
Another brain teaser I have is how to display the RSS feed link for a Tag. There's no function for Tags like post_comments_feed_link(); for the comments feed.
Using <a href="feed">this tags rss</a>
works somewhat, but when you get page 2 of the tag you end up with
http://wordpressmu.com/tag/exampletag/page/2/feed which of course doesn't work.
Posted 15 years ago #
Yeah I know, not what i'm asking. I have the plugin installed with posts being copied to the mainblog. I'm showing the_excerpt instead of the_content for the tag pages.
Short code for videos and audio and also image links are being stripped out. I wanna to know how to include them.
And my second question has to do with outputting the RSS link for a tag.
I believe the_excerpt strips those out.
To display a modified excerpt, what about putting a new template function in functions.php of the tags blog template and call it instead of the_excerpt?
Example: http://www.milienzo.com/2007/09/02/improving-wordpress-the_excerpt-template-tag/
Any feed for a tag term looks like http://blog.domain.org/tag/term/feed/
A plugin such as http://scribu.net/projects/extra-feed-links.html will add many extra feeds to meta in template header so they are discovered by browser.
BTW, I use the following outside the loop on a Currently Browsing Tagname template page
global $wp_query;
$tag_obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
$url = get_tag_feed_link($tag_obj->term_id);
$title = $tag_obj->name;
echo '<a href="'.$url.'">(RSS for '.$title.')</a>';
PS, no "/page/2/feed/" issue either.
Posted 15 years ago #
Thanks dsader.
Exactly what I needed!
I also use one of the side effects of Sitewide Tags, to create a Site wide Feed. Images and shortcode is also stripped from the feed.
To toggle the excerpt/content in any blog feed:
Dashboard-->Settings-->Reading-->"For each article in a feed, show"-->Full text
What are you using to read the feed?
Look at the xml source for "<content:encoded>" are the image tags/shortcodes there(after change to Settings)?